Thursday 15 August 2013

Rowan tree

This is a rowan tree or mountain ash. It has lots of yummy berries which are loved by mistle thrushes and Waxwings. The wood was often used to make handles for tools or cart wheels. The rowan has many associations with magic and witches. Its old celtic name is 'fid na ndruad' which means wizards tree. In Ireland it was planted near houses to protect them against spirits, especially of the dead. In Wales rowans were often planted in churchyards. In Scotland there was a strong taboo against cutting down a rowan. The wood was seen as the most protective part and was used for stirring milk (to prevent it curdling), as a pocket charm against rheumatism and made into divining rods. The protective power is thought to come from the bright red berries, as red was thought to be the best colour for fighting evil. The only place that still retains some rowan rituals is the Isle of Man

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