Friday 1 November 2013

Odiham Common Update

Latest news Autumn 2013

As autumn sets in lots of work has already been completed on the Common. We managed to make hay this year on the southern meadows but it was not quite good enough to go as cattle feed so is going to be made into compost.

Contractors have cleared approx 1.8 hectares of birch scrub and hazel coppice in the last few weeks at the northern end of the main part of the common. Wood chip generated from some of this work has been used to fill wet muddy hollows in paths / rides so as to try and improve walking and riding conditions.

Whilst we have tried to keep disruption to a minimum unfortunately some rides have been muddied by the works but the ground has been smoothed over. Please be aware that it will take until later in spring for the ground to firm up in these areas so if possible please use alternative routes around these areas.

The hazel stools that have been cut will be fenced around to stop deer browsing and allowed to re-generate with a view to cutting them again in 8 – 10 years. They were last cut approx. 10 years ago. This sort of cyclical management creates ‘honey pots’ of wildlife value within woodlands. It may look a bit bleak initially but the longer term benefits are worth it.

As we head into November National Grid contractors will be clearing trees and scrub under the large pylons that cross the common on the eastern edge. This is necessary for safety reasons to do with the power cables. It does mean that the Common will retain an area of heathland which is great for reptiles, butterflies and other insects. Again this may look a little unsightly at first but will soon look great later in the spring and beyond.

All of the works mentioned above are part of the Common management plan and Environmental Stewardship agreement with Natural England. Further similar works will go on in the future.

Enjoy your walking and riding on the Common.

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