The breeding areas of Nightjar and Dartford Warbler have been burnt, and presumably their nests destroyed; many reptiles and insects have been killed.
Heathland summer fires burn extremely hot and will destroy the underlying heather seed bed.The lives of people and animals in neighbouring properties as well as those of the fire service are put at extreme risk.
Controlled burning of heathland in the winter months can be a valuable management tool. It can help to reduce the amount of old and large stands gorse and heather and can be very effective at promoting their regeneration, particularly as, unlike cutting, the burning may remove some of the organic matter that builds up under the stand. However, controlled burning needs skill to achieve the best results and to ensure that the fire does not get out of control. This method of management is not used on Hazeley Heath because of its fragmented structure and the proximity of surrounding properties.
One issue that arises from any burning is the management of new growth. Invasive grasses and bracken can take hold again faster than the new heather seedlings. Any new heather will grow back at a similar height, establishing a 'one habitat monoculture'. The heath will need to regain biodiversity, with plants of various ages and heights, and grazing is better than fire at achieving this.
The cause of the Hazeley Heath fires is not known yet and is still under police investigation, but most heath fires are started deliberately or accidentally, rather than naturally. People appear to be still ignoring the fact that it is against the law to have fires or BBQs on the heathland, and carelessness with glass bottles and cigarette ends
If you do see a fire call the Fire Service without delay and keep well away from the fire - heathland fires can spread fast and the damage can take years to overcome.
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